17 reasons why 3D laser scanning, Reverse Engineering, 3d parametric modelling and 3D printing should be part of your workflow.

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  1. Establishing a better understating of design and reality of the component.  Through obtaining an accurate reality capture and comparing this to the object’s original design intent  a Hybrid model (design intent and as-built) emerges. This combined with any defects or deviations from the design-intent model will allow you to readjust sooner and keep your project or production on track.

  2. 3D laser scanning is significantly faster and more accurate overall than traditional hand measurement. When laser scanning and or white light 3D scanning is combined with repeatable measurement processes there are significant cost efficiencies that are realized.

  3. The ability to accurately model and parametrically define complex surfaces beyond traditional “ Mesh” surfaces.

  4. Accurate detailed 3d scans of original component prior to reverse engineering commencement allows for enhanced freedom in the design process particularly when topology optimization algorithms that understand the intended structural constraints, shape parameters and expected loads, are incorporated in the design software. This will result in being able to reduce the component mass whilst improving its strength / mass ratio.  With se of 3D printing these shapes that were traditionally considered to complex to produce using traditional dies, moulds, milling and machining are now available.

  5. Improved data preparation for digital simulation with improved parametric models leads to reduction of lead time and speed of innovation are considered the most important measures of success for 3D printing activities.

  6. Replicating Legacy Parts - The ability to cost effectively design a new part to fit to a legacy part for which no digital drawing or only paper drawing exist.

  7. Accurately model non-linear performance surfaces and establish the extent of surface deviations from design surfaces

  8. Updated CAD models of your tooling to match shop-floor changes in real time.

  9. Redesign a part without manufacturing defects.

  10. Interference and Clash detection between the existing as-is environment and preliminary design and ability to incorporate surface deviation analysis

  11. Bio-medical engineering will allow for the printing of human body components such as hip bones based on 3d scan of original. This means a better and less  intrusive replacement operation, quicker recovery times and less intrusive theatre procedures.

  12. Generative engineering opportunities are extended by having an accurate 3d digital representation of original component. 

  13. Combining Additive manufacturing with generative engineering will releases the creative potential of designers. This will remove the traditional constraints of “pen and paper” design. Reverse engineering services make simulations and pre-production simulation calculations more rigorous.

  14. Reduced downtime through the ability to introduce proactive maintenance programs for legacy products facing obsolescence. The addition of Generative engineering to the process creates opportunities for lowering of production costs by improved design and materials

  15. In OEM manufacturing, the prototype reiteration process is improved by quicker turnaround times with the client. This allows for improved optimization both in terms of improved deigns and lowering the final unit costs.

  16. The ability to both validate tooling prior to manufacturing process commencing and optimise the final milling routines. The milling routines can be tested for clash detection, alignment and to minimize tool change routines.

  17. Accurate detailed 3d scans of original component prior to reverse engineering commencement allows for enhanced freedom in the design process particularly when topology optimization algorithms that understand the intended structural constraints, shape parameters and expected loads,  are incorporated in the design software. This will result in being able to reduce the component mass whilst improving its strength / mass ratio. 


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