Curious thoughts and links

The Definitive Guide to Designing for Additive Manufacturing

For Engineers trying to get a handle on Additive engineering  and how its innovatory process are altering perceptions of the manufacturing process, Autocad has released an in-depth explanation of the process and how it is supported by 3d scanning and reverse engineering. It introduces the move from design for Manufacturability (DFM) towards Design for Functionality (DFF) as the traditional constraints around the manufacturing process available are lifted.

autodesk additive.jpg

State of 3D Printing annual report 2020

Sculpteo, the 3D Printing Service that falls under the BSAF brand, has again released its annual state of 3D printing report.  This report is based on a survey carried out by themselves to establish the latest trends in how 3D printing is being used in the world.

It highlights:

  • International trends.

  • Market growth.

  • How is 3D printing used by professionals.?

  • What kind of companies are using additive manufacturing.?

  • The role of 3D Laser scanning, parametric models and reverse engineering uses and trends.

The key findings of the report are ( and I quote directly )

  • Consistency is the Achilles heel of 3D printing.

  • 3D printing can be seen as cost-prohibitive.

  • 3D printing is consolidating its position in certain manufacturing industries.

  • Changing perceptions are Moving additive manufacturing from prototyping to production technology.

  • 70% of users believe 3D printing is one of their strengths and a competitive advantage.

  • Users continue lead the way with the use of metals and ceramics, being more enterprising than all users with other, developing technologies.

  • The knowledge gap and cost of entry are commonly viewed as limiting the potential for adoption of 3D printing.

The report can be downloaded at :

Geography of 3D printing

Geography of 3D printing

3D Printed Terra Cotta Tiles Are Helping Restore Coral Habitat

The university of Hong Kong have been experimenting with 3D printing to create Terracotta tiles that imitates the natural patterns of coral growth and stimulate regrowth.

Two good links are :


3dterracota tiles.png

How does 3d scanning help KTM motor racing win ?


17 reasons why 3D laser scanning, Reverse Engineering, 3d parametric modelling and 3D printing should be part of your workflow.